IPduh is an Internet forensics and debugging engine. IPduh answers best, questions about the building blocks of the Internet.

IPduh may be used as a general purpose search engine. However, it is biased towards interpreting queries as being related to the Internet Infrastructure. IPduh will attempt to answer queries in a way that facilitates the debugging of network issues, the debugging of Internet services, and the research of Internet names, Internet numbers, and Internet security incidents.

IPduh usage examples:
as1 lumen.net level3.net
!g ai
ietf.org - =
is in
an amazon is eating pizza in space.
!whois google.it
!port space
!rfc internet protocol
!gsec xz
!usi ☉☿♀♁♂♃♄⛢♆♇
!ufn phoenician
!help unicode
!list &list=
crêpes site:*.fr
fr gr nl us cn
For more examples see !help.

A lot of IPduh functionality is available without an account. However, you will need to sign-in with an IPduh account or sign-in with a Google account in order to use all the IPduh commands.

Get a free IPduh account (Fast):
You can get an IPduh account if you use your Google account to sign-into IPduh and then set a password with !my-password.

If you choose to sign-in with your Google account or create an IPduh account using your Google account, Google will share with IPduh your email address and the name on your account. With !my-settings you can see what Google shared with IPduh.

You can read the IPduh Privacy Policy with !privacy-policy.
IPduh needs to store cookies in your browser. With !my-cookies you can inspect the IPduh cookies and read more about them.

Many of the old IPduh commands and URIs (some are 15 years old or older) work in this version of IPduh. Some old IPduh commands are not available yet.

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